What’s in Your Cart? Linky Party


I’m linking up with Jenna from Speech Room News for the big TpT back to school sale.  This is a great time to stock up on items at a great price!

If you’re looking to fill up your cart with some great items, I’ve got some great ideas for you!  I’m all about saving time and money (check out my new store banner!), so I’d like to share some of my bundled items with you today.  First, is my Apraxia and Phonological Disorder Survival Pack Bundle.  It contains 7 different files (soon to be 8) that are great for working on Apraxia or Phonological Disorders.  I plan to add a few more items to this bundle, which will increase the price, so grab it at the lower price while you can.  All future downloads are free for those who have already purchased it!

If you have any fluency students on your caseload this year, I’d highly recommend my Fluency Survival Pack Bundle.  I added 10 extra pages to it a few months ago, so it’s got even more than it had before!  (Read about the updates, here.)  The bundle includes the Fluency Survival Pack and Fluency Fun: A Game for Young Stutterers.  It’s sure to have plenty of materials to work with kids of any age on your caseload.

If you have students in need of working on social skills, my Social Skills Power Pack is great for doing just that.  Personally, I’ve used the items in my social skills groups and found them to be very helpful!  The following 6 items included are: Getting to Know You, Good Friend vs. Not A Friend Behaviors, Let’s Start A Conversation, What Would You Say?, How Would You Feel?, and Compliment Me.

Now, let’s take a look at what’s in my cart!

First up is the Emotions Mega Unit from Speechasauras.  She created this 60-page unit to expand her students’ vocabularies in the area of emotions beyond happy and sad to help them more accurately identify and communicate their emotions and the emotions of others.  All of the student activities have been created in black and white, which is a great if you’re looking to save ink!

Next up is An Old Pirate Who Swallowed A Fish! Book Companion from Speech to the Core.  This 70-page companion targets a ton of goals, like: vocab, wh?’s, sequencing, verbs, adjectives, rhyming, articulation, and more!  It’s also CCSS aligned and comes in color and black & white, which is great if you’re looking to save some ink!

And the other item I have in my cart is the AAC Starter Kit from The Dabbling Speechie.   This kit has a TON of great stuff and she’s got a video tutorial that describes what’s included over at her blog.  Check it out to learn more!

Don’t forget to use the code below for extra savings!

I hope you enjoyed taking a peek into what’s in my cart.  I’m sure that I’ll be adding more, because I can never seem to check out just once!  Enjoy shopping the sale!




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