Sign of the Week: More

This is another very functional sign!  To teach the sign, more, start using it when your child runs out of something.  Maybe they love blueberries and they are upset because they ate all that you gave them.  Maybe you are blowing bubbles and then stop.  Or maybe they were playing a game on the iPad that has ended.  Ask, “Do you want more?” and perform the sign as you are saying, “more”.  They will catch on very quickly!

To make this sign, on each hand, place all of your fingertip pads together so they all touch.  You can pretend there is an imaginary string that you must hold onto with every finger.  Then, holding your hands a few inches apart, bring the group of fingertips from each hand together and tap them together repeatedly.

I have two videos of my own videos I’d like to share, and then I encourage you to go watch another one over on the Baby Sign Language site.  In the first video my daughter is a bit younger and the use of signs was relatively new to her.  In the second video, she is being slightly stubborn and not wanting to sign, and then the video abruptly ends because she tried to sneak eat a leaf!  I should also warn that I am not always as verbally involved as you hear on these videos, the prompts were really for the sake of getting some signing footage.   Either way, I figured they’d be a good representation of an actual little one using the signs.  Enjoy!

And to see another video demonstration, head on over to the Baby Sign Language website!




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