Tier 2 Vocabulary: How to Pick Words for your Students

If you’d like to learn how to pick tier 2 vocabulary words for your students, then you’re in the right place!  For students with vocabulary goals, it might be tricky to know where to start.  How do you know what words do you choose?  How do you find them?  Is there a special formula somewhere?  While there is no specific formula to use, there are definitely some great guidelines out there that can point us in the right direction.  In today’s episode of The Speech Space podcast, we talk about all about tiered vocabulary.

Here’s what’s covered:

  • what tiered vocabulary is
  • the 3 different vocabulary tiers
  • examples of vocabulary words from each tier
  • how to determine if a word is a tier 2 vocabulary word

I know that working on vocabulary can be a bit overwhelming sometimes, but having a framework like this is definitely helpful.  I’ve even made a helpful handout that you can download for free, which you can access the link to below.  This handout contains basic information about the three vocabulary tiers and provides a checklist to help you determine whether a particular word is a tier 2 word.  Remember not to get too hung up on a certain word if you’re unsure.  There are sometimes that it might be difficult to decide which tier a word should be assigned to.  That is ok and not every teacher or SLP is going to agree 100% of the time on which tier a word falls into.  The checklist is a nice guide to help point you in the right direction.  I’m sure you’ll find it to be useful, so make sure you look below in the links and resources section to find it.

I would love to know, do you select tier 2 vocabulary words for your students or do you use a resource that has pre-selected the words?

Links and Resources




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