New Perspectives on Stuttering - Part 2

New Perspectives on Stuttering – Part 2

This episode is all about new perspectives on stuttering and it’s the second half of a 2-part series. Make sure to listen to part 1 first so it all comes together. In this episode, I address topics like: stuttering gain, concepts of stutter-affirming therapy, key elements of effective self-disclosure, and intersectionality.

This podcast episode is all about new perspectives on stuttering. It’s part two of a two-part series, so I added a link to part one here, in case you’d like to check it out!

In part one, we discussed the memoir Life on Delay: Making Peace with a Stutter, written by John Hendrickson, who is a journalist and a person who stutters. In the memoir, Hendrickson shares impactful descriptions of what it actually feels like to stutter, and he also shares tips for SLPs, including what to say and what not to say to students who stutter.

In today’s episode, I’ll be highlighting Dr. Chris Constantino from Florida State University. He’s an SLP, researcher, author, activist, and stutterer, so he has an incredible amount of knowledge to offer as we dive into new perspectives on stuttering.

Using ideas from Dr. Constantino’s work, I’ll talk about:

  • How to help students develop a positive stuttering identity
  • The concept of “stuttering gain”
  • The three main components of stutter-affirming therapy
  • Key elements of effective self-disclosure about stuttering

I’ll also touch on intersectionality, and share resources from stutterers in communities that are less likely to be represented in the literature or in the popular media about stuttering.

If you’re looking for fun and interactive speech therapy materials that both students and SLPs will love, check out what the Digital SLP® membership site has to offer or sign up for our 30-day free trial.

References and Resources:
I Stutter. But This is What You’re Not Hearing. (Short film featuring John Hendrickson)
My Beautiful Stutter (full film available for free with ads)
The Power of a Stutter (Sharon Steed’s TEDx Talk)
Why I Dread Saying My Own Name (Atlantic article adapted from Life on Delay)




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