Fun Reinforcers for Speech Therapy: Spring

Why do I use different reinforcers in my speech room each season? Because it keeps things interesting and helps to facilitate more language!!!  Handing out a sticker or piece of candy isn’t a bad thing, but that’s where the conversation ends.  By using creative reinforcers, you can even continue to sneak in treatment goals! Here are a few ideas about reinforcers for spring speech therapy:

1) Arrange artificial flowers in a colander.

After each trial, let your student place a flower in the hole of the colander to make a nice looking arrangement.

2) “Plant” some flowers.  

Fill a big bowl or rubbermaid container with soil and bring in some flowers (or better yet, go gather some flowers with your student and hold the session outdoors if time allows).  Have them “plant” a flower in the soil after each attempt a target or correct response.

3) Create a flower with pom poms and a cupcake liner.

Put a cupcake liner upside down and provide a bowl full of pom poms.  Students will love using the pom poms to create the “petals” of their flower.

4) Go on a nature scavenger hunt.

 Bring in a bag full of nature items from the outdoors.  Some suggestions that work well are a: rock, flower, blade of grass, twig, pinecone, leaf, etc.  Hide the items around your room and watch your students light up as they get to search for a hidden item after each trial or task.
What outside-of-the-box reinforcers for spring speech therapy are you using this season?  I’d love to hear about what you’re doing, or if any of these ideas worked for you in your speech room.  If you’d like a handout with a list of these ideas so you don’t forget, just click hereto have one sent directly to your inbox!  Happy spring!

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