free online speech therapy activities

Free Online Speech Therapy Activities for Kids

Updated March 10, 2022

I created this post at the beginning of the pandemic because I thought it would be nice to have a nice list of high-quality free online speech therapy activities while we were all cooped up. Many of these do not directly target speech and language, but can easily be modified to do so. For example, the art activities can be great for following directions or answering wh-questions. I still use these activities with my own children for homeschool and highly recommend them for virtual or in-person speech therapy sessions as well.


1) Met Kids – This is from the Metropolitan Museum of Art and is by kids, for kids. My kids really loved the “time machine” feature. This is where you can choose a time period and a region to travel to to see art from that time period. When you view the art, it tells you a bit more about it and gives prompts for creating something as well. You can easily sneak in some wh-questions to work on auditory comprehension skills. There are also plenty of videos on the site as well.


2) Tate Kids – This is a UK-based website and a great way for children to immerse themselves in the world of art. It includes suggested art activities, interactive games, and lost of educational videos.


3) Mystery Science – This is one of our all-time favorites. Mystery Doug answers questions from children all over the world and explains them in fun lessons. There are also mini-lessons which are nice if you’re short on time. These are usually short video clips with some extra additional fun facts at the end. One of the most recent ones that we viewed was one all about how hand sanitizer works, which seems pretty timely given all of the extra hand washing going on.

4) Nature Games @ PBS Kids


6) Live Cams at the San Diego Zoo – We really love this one! How fun is it to peek in on animals at the zoo? This is a great activity for expanding speech and language skills. Here are some ideas for how to do that: kids can describe the animals, answer questions about animals, make animal sounds, and label animals. They even have pre-recorded video when the live cams are off! Watching the animals is really sweet and entertaining and a great way to see animals that you might not be able to see in your local area.

Speech and Language

7) Digital SLP – This site has a nice freebies library that you can try out without even entering your email! Click here to access that. Most of these online activities are specific to speech therapy, but others can be used for life skills as well. For example, How to Make Homemade Lemonade is a fun recipe that anyone can try and make together. The Virtual Field Trip to the Farm is fun for kids who love animals and How to Politely Interrupt is an applicable lesson for children anywhere. If you’re looking to learn more about how to use online games in speech therapy or the best online games for speech therapy, then you will want to be sure to check out this post! There is also an option to sign up for a paid membership to the Digital SLP, which gives you access to a large collection (1,000+) of activities, games, songs, and videos activities for children.

Sites w/ Multiple Subjects & Areas Addressed

11) IXL
Remember, not all free online speech therapy activities for kids need to directly target speech and language goals. Speech and language doesn’t occur in a bubble in the outside world, and therefore shouldn’t in the online world either! Use these online speech therapy activities together to work on speech and language skills just like you would in your in-person sessions. And remember, you can use these for your in-person sessions as well!




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