I know it isn’t quite time to think about back to school, but perhaps some of you planners are looking to get a head start! For those of you that don’t know, I’m expecting a baby next month, so I am trying to post some back-to-school goodies for you before I’m out of commission. Keep checking in because I have a few more freebies posts lined up for the next month to get you ready to go back to school!
Don’t you love it when things look pretty? Me too! Here are some great ways to accessorize your speech room this year!
1) Visual Adjective Describing Sheet from Kayla SLP. These colorful reference sheet are cute, yet informative!
2) Speech Room Rules from Breanna Allor. Put these rules up around your room to serve as reminders!
3) SLP Inpirational Quote Posters from Natalie Snyders. Need some inspiration? These posters will do the trick!
4) Binder Spine Labels from Natalie Snyders. Who doesn’t love cute labels? Not only does it make it so much easier to locate items, but it looks great too!
5) Speech and Language Posters from Sublime Speech. These pretty posters will add a touch of class to any speech room!
Hope you enjoy adding some life to your speech space with these awesome freebies! Please don’t forget to leave feedback for these sellers and follow their store if you like their style. Happy decorating!
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