Five Fab Freebies: Holidays Part 1

I can’t believe it is December already!  I figured that an appropriate theme for this week’s Five Fab Freebies post would focus on some great holiday freebies.  So, let’s jump right in!

1) Oh Christmas Tree! Articulation Worksheet from GoldCountrySLP.  If you have students that are working on the /sh/ sound, then this activity would be perfect for you!

2) Christmas Fact or Opinion by Christy Jones.  This is great activity for 1st & 2nd graders.  Christy recommends using it as a warm up in a group or in conjunction with an open ended game.

3) Let’s Build A Snowman: Story and Conversation Starters from The Speech Owl.  These story starters are great for working on narrative skills, writing, grammar and/or articulation carryover skills. You also get 2 snowman bases and snowman accessory pieces to use as a reinforcer!

4) Under the Tree: Open-Ended Holiday Gift Suggestions from The Pedi Speechie.  These handouts provide “therapy- based” ideas for Christmas and the holidays- how clever!

5) Descriptive Language Holiday Freebie from The Speech Space.  Use these cute black & white worksheets to have your students practice describing holiday and winter items.

Thanks so much for stopping by to check out this week’s Five Fab Freebies!  I plan to do a second holiday FFF post, so check back the third Friday of this month.  Please don’t forget to leave seller feedback and take a look around their store to see what other great items they have.

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