Five Fab Freebies for SLPs: Back to School, Part 3

It’s that time again, folks-summer is practically over! This time of the year is really bittersweet, at least for me. The freedom of summertime is coming to a close, but the excitement and anticipation of a brand new year is beginning! And with a new year comes new opportunities. I’ve got 5 awesome free back to school activities to help you jump in ready and prepared!

1) First up is Back to School Inferencing (school supplies and locations) FREEBIE by The Speech Owl. Many of our students need help with the skill of inferencing. So, why not start the year off with some inferencing fun to help them adjust to the new year?!

2) Next, we have, Back to School: Good or Bad Action? FREEBIE by Lauren DiBiase. This simple freebie allows them to read (or listen to) an action and then determine if it is good or bad.  Such an important skill!

3) Another great freebie that you’ll find useful is FREE Back To School Articulation for Speech Therapy by Ashley Rossi. Drill articulation sounds, coloring, and game boards are perfect for your no prep therapy sessions.

4) Next up is First Day Jitters Freebie by Speech is Sweet. This freebie is designed to use the book to enhance language skills.  It’s a nice sample of the book companions offered by Speech is Sweet!

5) And last is Classroom Listen Up! Following Directions FREEBIE by Panda Speech. Students will color the picture according to the directions! A great way to target some of your direction goals! 

Thanks so much for stopping by and checking out these free back to school activities-I hope you enjoy them.  Please try to remember to take a moment to leave feedback for the SLPs that have so generously put these items out there for us to download!
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