Is everyone enjoying the weather as it cools off a bit? I hope so! I love the feel of the crisp, fall air in the morning! I’ve also been enjoying some hot tea out on the deck at night as they are getting cooler. I’m looking forward to apple picking and hot cups of fresh apple cider- yum! To get you all as geared up for fall as I am, I’m here to share my five fab fall freebie finds (say that five times fast!) from TpT. If you have one that you’d like to share, feel free to leave it in the comments section below!
1) Fall Into Fall: Multiple Meanings Literacy Center by The Primary Schoolhouse.
2) Stuttering: Pausing Leaf Craft Freebie by Rowans Speech Room.
3) Fall Tree Painting Activity Freebie by Mia McDaniel.
4) Free Speech Therapy Fall Word Searches for Articulation by Speech Therapy with Courtney Gragg.
5) Fall Fun for Fast Finishers Open-Ended Task Cards by Rachel Lynette.
I’d love to hear how you use any or all of these freebies in your speech room or classroom. Enjoy and don’t forget to leave feedback for those who created these great freebies!
Have you had a chance to check out my new blogging line up? Check out my last post to learn about my plans for the blog in the upcoming months!
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