13 Must-Have Teletherapy Activities for Speech Therapy

It can be overwhelming when you need to transition to doing teletherapy overnight and you’re suddenly trying to find teletherapy activities for speech therapy. Feeling comfortable with your platform and finding materials that are platform friendly are two essential components to starting off on the right foot. Today, I’m here to share my top 13 must-have teletherapy activities for speech therapy. They are all platform friendly and are interactive pdf files. Simply pull them up and share your screen (or give control of your screen if your platform has that capability) and you’re ready to use them for teletherapy!

If you’re more of a visual person, I’ve gone ahead and put together a demo of these resources in the video below. If you prefer text, keep reading below where I’ve listed out the resources. Please keep in mind that all of these resources are a part of the Digital SLP Membership, so if you are a member you are able to access each of these resources from your member dashboard.

  1. Create-A-Story – Great for expressive language, retell, sequencing, and turn taking. Available in the Digital SLP Membership or can be purchased on TpT here.
  2. Would You Rather? – This is great for students who are working on language expansion, social skills, and expressing opinions. It is available as part of the Digital SLP Membership and is also a part of the Would You Rather? Bundle on TpT.
  3. Core Word Work: Want – This is great for working on core words. A visual is provided, examples using real pictures are provided, and then a comprehension check using multiple choice options is provided in the last section of the resource. This is part of the Digital SLP Membership and is also part of the Core Word Work Bundle on TpT.
  4. Stretch-A-Sentence Language Expansion Leveled Activity – This is definitely a must have for students working on language expansion. The two levels are a nice way to use it in groups with students functioning at different levels. This one is a Digital SLP Membership exclusive resource.
  5. No Print Easter Vocab Builder – This is seasonally relevant right now, but if you’re reading this post at a later date then know that this is a series of resources so there others available for different seasons and holidays. It’s available within the membership and is also in my TpT store. It can be purchased individually or as part of the bundle.
  6. No Print Articulation Screener – All Consonants and Blends + Digital Data Tracking Sheet – This resource comes in handy when you’re screening new students and trying to get some good baseline data. It looks at all consonants and blends and includes a digital data tracking sheet that is opened via Google Sheets. If you’re not familiar with Google Sheets, a link to a video tutorial is provided within this resource. This is also provided within the membership or you can download it from TpT here.
  7. No Print Stuttering Education for Young Students Who Stutter – This resource reviews the speech helpers, belly breathing, different types of “bumps”, body awareness, and two cute stories to help students understand that it’s ok to stutter. This is located within the Digital SLP Membership as well as on TpT.
  8. No Print Parts of Speech – This resource is quite comprehensive. It covers nouns, pronouns, adjectives, verbs, adverbs, prepositions, conjunctions, and interjections. At the end it has a practice set where you can practice identifying different parts of speech. It’s in the membership and also can be purchased in my TpT store as well.
  9. No Print Idioms – This is one of my all-time favorite resources! It provides a nice explanation of what idioms are, then gives some amazing visuals and memory tips for helping with comprehension and retention. After that, there is a multiple choice section where students can test their knowledge of the idioms that were covered. It’s housed within the Digital SLP Membership and can also be found here on TpT.
  10. No Print Noun Cards – These are simple, but very convenient and functional! Modify their use and turn them into an object function or object description task! They’re on the membership site and can be found at this link in my TpT shop.
  11. No Print Apraxia Cards – These are also simple, but very convenient to have so many cards all in one place. There are cards to target CVs, VCs, CVCs, and CVCVs. They can be found here on TpT or on the membership site.
  12. No Print Caption This: Animal Expressions – This resource is great for working on social skills and fun too! Students can caption how they think the animal is feeling based on their expression. It’s available inside of the membership and can be found in my TpT shop here.
  13. No Print Phonology: Stopping -Your little students will have a blast as they say their minimal pairs and a puzzle piece is pulled away to slowly reveal the picture behind it. This one can be found in the membership or can be purchased on TpT here.

I hope you find that roundup list to be helpful. What are your favorite teletherapy activities for speech therapy?




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Teletherapy platform-friendly activities and games for articulation, phonology, language, social skills, stuttering and more. 


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