I hope that you all had a wonderful summer! I am back from my summer blogging vacation and I’m happy to share my latest and greatest creation with you. I mentioned in the past that I’ve had some difficulty keeping upper elementary and middle school boys interested during therapy sessions. Well, I’ve found the solution- sports! Of course there are girls that love sports too, but I’ve found that boys are especially into my baseball and football bios! After my Baseball Mania! Packet turned out to be such a hit, I decided to do another with a football theme. Here are some previews below:
I’m looking forward to using this this week to get some of my clients talking about their favorite players. I’ll be sure to post back and let you guys know how it goes. If you’d like to try the packet out for yourself, you can get it here.
Also- stay tuned because I’m easing back into the blog scene this month- a Five Fab Freebies post is long overdue!
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