Simple Ideas for Facilitating Language on Valentine’s Day

Holidays are always a fun time to sneak in some speech and language goals without making it seem like you’re doing therapy!  Here are some ideas to use with your students this Valentine’s Day:
Therapy target or classroom objective: to work on social skills and discuss the meaning of frequently used Valentine’s day expressions.
Materials needed: conversation hearts.
What to do: have each student pick out a few conversation hearts and discuss. For example, you could ask the following questions for the expression “be mine”: What does it mean when someone says, “be mine”? Is this expression literal or figurative language? Why would you say this to someone? Who would you say this to? Who would you not say this to?

Therapy target or classroom goal: to accurately answer WH-Questions.
Materials needed: Valentine’s Day cards.
What to do: have each student choose a card and answer the following questions:

  • Who is this card for?
  • Where did you get the card?  Where will you put the card?
  • What is on the card?  What do you like about this card?
  • When will you give this card away?
  • Why did you choose this card?  Why are you giving this card to __________?

Therapy target or classroom objective: to effectively use adjectives to describe everyday items.
Materials needed: a variety of candy.  For example, assorted chocolates, sweet tarts, nerds, etc.
What to do: have each student choose three different pieces of candy.  Before they eat they candy, they must describe how each candy is the same or different (e.g. they are both chocolate, they are both heart shaped, one is round and one is square, etc.).  After they eat the candy they must describe how it tasted or what it was like when they ate it (e.g. chewy, crunchy, sweet, sour, etc.).

What Valentine’s Day activities will you be using this year?  Do you have any special activities you like to do with your students?

If you are looking for some more ideas for Valentine’s Day activities, here are a few you might find useful:






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